LOẠI TỪ (danh từ, động từ, tính từ, trạng từ)
1.1. Loại danh từ và chức năng
Có 4 loại danh từ như sau:
Common nouns: dog, man, table
Proper nouns: France, Madrid, Mrs Smith, Tom
Abstract nouns: beauty, charity, courage, fear, joy
Collective nouns: crowd, group, swarm, team, flock
Danh từ có thể có các chức năng trong câu:
– Chủ ngữ đứng trước động từ: Tom arrived
– Thành phần bổ tố cho động từ “be, become, seem”: Tom is an actor.
– Tân ngữ đi sau động từ: I saw Tom.
– Tân ngữ đi sau giới từ: I spoke to Tom.
– Danh từ sau dạng sở hữu cách: Tom’s books.
– Tính từ sở hữu + danh từ
– Trong các cụm từ để hỏi: which + danh từ …?/ whose + danh từ …? How many/ How much + N …. ?
S – chủ ngữ + V – động từ + O – tân ngữ + Adv – trạng ngữ
Cụm danh từ: mạo từ/ số đếm/ từ chỉ lượng/tính từ sở hữu … + tính từ + danh từ
Ví dụ:
- I/ work/ accountant/ this company/ over the past 5 years.
I have worked/ have been working as an accountant in this company for …..
- I/ work/ accountant/ this company/ 5 years.
I worked/ used to work as an accountant for 5 years.
1.2. Countables & Uncountables: Đếm được và không đếm được
We could see a ship in the distance. Claire has only got one sister. I’ve got a problem with the car. Do you like these photos? I’m going out for five minutes. | Can I have some water? Shall we sit on the grass? The money is quite safe. I love music. Would you like some butter? |
1.3. Singulars and Plurals: Số ít và số nhiều
Danh từ có quy tắc: Danh từ số ít + s => Danh từ số nhiều
Danh từ bất quy tắc:
a> Danh từ số ít kết thúc bằng “f” hoặc “fe”
- Bỏ f/fe, thêm ves: a knife – knives, one half – two halves, my life – their lives, a wolf – wolves.
- Giữ nguyên, thêm s: one roof – roofs, a cliff – many cliffs, a safe – safes
- Có thể giữ nguyên, cũng có thể bỏ f/fe thêm s: a dwarf – the seven dwarfs/ dwarves, one wharf – a few wharfs/ wharves
b> Danh từ có kết thúc bằng: “o, s, ss, sh, ch, x” ta cộng thêm “es” để trở thành danh từ số nhiều
Ví dụ: a potato – two potatoes, a watch – two watches, a box – two boxes, …
c> Những danh từ số nhiều đặc biệt
- a man – men
- a woman – women
- a person — people / a people – dân tộc
- a foot – feet
- a goose – geese
- a tooth – teeth
- a child – children
- an ox – oxen (castrated bulls)
- a brother – brethren (in church orders), brothers (in a family)
- a mouse – mice
- a louse – lice
- a die – dice (for playing games)
Có rất nhiều danh từ có dạng số nhiều và số ít giống nhau như:
- a sheep – sheep, a deer – deer, a moose – moose
- a fish – fish (fishes: dùng khi chỉ các loài cá khác nhau )
- a dozen – two dozen roses, a hundred – several hundred men (nhưng có thể nói: dozens of roses, hundreds of people – hàng trăm người)
- a TV series – many TV series,
- a means – two means – phương tiện
- a species – two species – loài
d> Danh từ luôn ở dạng số nhiều
Một số danh từ luôn ở dạng số nhiều, cho dù có kết thúc bằng “s” hay không.
- The police (đội cảnh sát) are looking for the robbers. / a policeman/ policemen
- The lawyer – đoàn luật sư
- I like these pants / jeans / shorts.
- Use either scissors or nail
- Binoculars are stronger than any
f> Danh từ kết thúc bằng “o”
Với những từ kết thúc bằng “o”, khi chuyển sang danh từ số nhiều ta thêm “s” hoặc “es.” Nếu là một nguyên âm đứng trước “o” thì chỉ cần thêm “s”, như:
- Radio-radios, video-videos
Nếu trước “o” là một phụ âm thì không có quy tắc nhất quán:
- Potato-potatoes, hero-heroes
Nhưng …
- Photo-photos, memo-memos / photographs/ memorandum – thư nội bộ
Những từ kết thúc bằng “y” thường chuyển “y” thành “i” rồi mới thêm “es”
- Cry-cries, fly-flies, party-parties , city – cities, country – countries
- ex/ix – ices
an index – indices, indexes – chỉ số
The matrix – matrices – ma trận
appendix – appendices, appendixes – phụ lục
Một số danh từ không đếm được:
accommodation, baggage behavior – hành vi equipment fun – niềm vui courage – sự dũng cảm evidence enjoyment food* sadness salt | furniture, homework, housework, litter, luck, luggage, fruit* happiness honesty significance transportation | Progress rubbish, scenery, traffic, travel, weather information intelligence jealousy sugar* tea* | work, advice, money, machinery, news, cash jewelry knowledge postage poverty silver | trouble, air bread* butter cheese* clothing coffee meat milk pepper rice* |
- Những danh từ được đánh dấu “*” có thể là số ít kết hợp với “a/an” hoặc thêm “s” để thành danh từ số nhiều. Ví dụ: food / a food
Food – lương thực
A food – món ăn = a dish/ dishes.
Ví dụ: We serve many different dishes/ foods in our restaurant.
Bread – bột mỳ / a bread = a loaf of bread – ổ bánh mỳ
- Countless – nhiều quá thành không đếm được
Rice – gạo
Salt – muối
Pepper – hạt tiêu
Hair – tóc
Grass – cỏ
Sugar – đường
Danh từ không đếm được:
+ chất lỏng, chất khí, chất rắn: oil, petrol, gas, water, milk, liquid – chất lỏng, beer, wine, land, butter, air, cooking oil – dầu ăn
+ chất liệu khác: wood, plastic, leather, steel, iron, …
+ chỉ nhóm, khái quát chung:
Equipment – thiết bị nói chung – so sánh với – a computer, a telephone, a fax machine
Machinery – máy móc nói chung – a machine/ 2 machines
Accommodation: nơi ở nói chung – a flat/ an apartment – căn hộ, a house/ a building, a villa, ….
Baggage/ luggage – hành lý nói chung – a suitcase (valy)/ a bag/ …
Postage – thư từ, bưu phẩm nói chung – a letter (lá thư) / a package (gói bưu phẩm) / …
Homework – bài tập về nhà – an exercise/ exercises – bài tập
Housework – việc nhà nói chung –
Furniture – đồ nội thất bằng gỗ – a chair – cái ghế/ a table/ a bed/
Home furniture – nội thất gia đinh
Office furniture – nội thất văn phòng – a chair/ a table/
Clothing – quần áo, vải vóc
Clothes (danh từ số nhiều) – quần áo – a shirt (áo sơ mi), a pair of jeans, a jacket, …
Shoes – giầy/ a pair of shoes
- Giầy ở cửa hàng này rất rẻ, bạn nên đến đó mua vài đôi.
Shoes in this shop are very cheap.
A pair of shoes in this shop is very cheap, you should get there to buy/ take some pairs.
N1 + of + N2 – Động từ phụ thuộc theo N1
Cloth (danht từ không đếm đc) – vải vóc
Litter = rubbish = waste – rác thải
Litre = liter – lit (đơn vị đo lường)
Little / a little – một ít
Jewelry (đồ trang sức) – a ring (cái nhẫn)
+ danh từ trừu tường (từ tính từ => danh tư/ động từ => danh từ)
Ví dụ: free (adj) – freedom – sự tự do
Independent (adj) – independence (n)
Educate (v) – education (n) giáo dục
Invest (v) – đầu tư
Investment (n) sự đầu tư – an investment / investments – khoản (tiền) đầu tư
Work (công việc nói chung) – so sánh với – a job / jobs (nghề nghiệp)
Ví dụ:
- I am looking for …………….
Work / job
A work – works: tác phẩm
Money – tiền tệ nói chung – a currency (đồng tiền của nước nào đó)/ currencies
- Each country in the world has its own currency.
Cash (tiền mặt) – a dollar/ one VND/ a pound
Poor (Adj) – nghèo – poverty – sự đói nghèo
Trouble (Sự phiền phức) – a problem/ an issue – vấn đề
Tính từ + trạng từ | Danh từ | Động từ | Danh từ |
Happy – happily Dependent – ly Independent – ly
| Happiness Dependence independence | Produce – sản xuất Invest – đầu tư | Production Investment |
Produce (v)
Product (n) sản phẩm – a product/ products
Producer (n) công ty sản xuất – a producer/ producers
An investment/ investments
Liter = litre
- Dạng của danh từ (đếm được = số ít + số nhiều/ không đếm được)
- Chức năng – vị trí của danh từ trong câu
- Kinds of adjectives – Loại tính từ
- The main kinds are:
(a) Demonstrative: this – cái này, that – cái kia + danh từ số it và không đếm đc/ these, those + N (số nhiêu)
Ví dụ:
- How much is this shirt? – cái áo sơ mi này bao nhiêu tiền?
- How much are these shirts? / How much do these shirts cost?
(b) Distributive: each, every + N(số ít) either, neither
Every student in this class is required/ asked to answer the teacher’s questions. / questions of the teacher.
Require sbd to do sth – yêu cầu ai đó làm gì
Requirement (n)
Ask sbd to do sth – đề nghị ai đó làm gì
(c) Quantitative – chỉ số đếm, lượng: some, any, no; little/few; many, much; one, twenty
(d) Interrogative: which, what, whose + danh từ
(e) Possessive – tính từ sở hữu : my, your, his, ...
Vị trí của các nhóm tính từ từ (a) đến (e): đi trước danh từ: this book, which boy, my dog
(f) Of quality – miêu tả tính chất, đặc điểm, tính cách, mầu sắc, …: clever, dry, fat, golden, good, heavy, square
(g) Participles: V-ing or V-ed: (tính từ được hình thành từ động từ)
Tính từ mang nghĩa chủ động (V-ing): amusing, boring, tiring etc.,
Tính từ mang nghĩa bị động (V-ed): amused, bored, tired etc., .
Ví dụ:
The play was boring. – vở kịch tẻ nhạt
I was bored with the film. – tôi thấy chán nản với bộ phim
- S (subject) chỉ người + be + V-ed (adj) + giới từ
- S – chỉ vật/ sự việc + be + V-ing (adj)
Ví dụ:
- I feel very …………….. with my teaching job.
- Tiring boring C. exhausted D. exhausting
- I find my teaching job very …………….
- Interesting interested C. tired D. beautiful
Sbd + Find + sth + adj – thấy rằng cái gì như thế nào
- Walking up the stairs to the 10th floor is very ……….
- tiring tired C. bored D. heavy
Vị trí của nhóm (f) và (g)
Vị trí 1: Đi sau một số động từ:
Điền từ vào chỗ trống trong từng câu:
Sau từ “be” …………., từ cần điền sau “be” có thể là:
- Nếu là bị động: Be + PII (Be – là trợ động từ)
- Nếu là các thời tiếp diễn: Be + V-ing (Be – trợ động từ)
- Nếu “Be” là động từ chính của câu, thì sau “be” + danh từ/ tính từ
Be + adj: chỉ tính chất sự vật, sự việc; chỉ tính cách con người, chỉ màu sắc, …
Become/ get/ grow/ turn + adj: trở nên, trở thành
- She gets more and more beautiful.
Stand/ stay/ keep + adj: ở trạng thái nào đó
- The store stays open late in the evening. – Cửa hàng ở tình trạng mở cửa (để phục vụ) muộn vào buổi tối = Cửa hàng đóng cửa muộn vào buổi tối.
- You should keep your room tidy. – Bạn nên giữ căn phòng ngăn nắp.
seem, appear + adj: có vẻ như, hình như
Ví dụ:
- She seems very happy with her marriage.
feel, look, smell, sound, taste, + adj
- You look very beautiful
make + sth/sbd + adj – làm cho cái gì/ ai đó như thế nào
find + sth/ sbd + adj – thấy cái gì/ ai đó như thế nào.
Tom felt cold.
He made her happy.
The idea sounds interesting.
Remain + adj – duy trì ở mức/ trạng thái gì
Ví dụ:
- Prices of oil remain high these days. – Thời gian này giá xăng dầu vẫn ở mức cao.
Vị trí 2: Đi trước danh từ:
A beautiful girl/ an interesting film/ a golden ring/ …
… mạo từ/ tính từ sở hữu + ………….. + danh từ => từ còn thiếu là tính từ
Các tính từ dạng phân từ (V-ed) thường được dùng kết hợp với giới từ trong các cụm cố định như:
| interested in bored with tired of frightened of terrified of ashamed of |
Be | embarrassed by attracted by impressed by/ with fascinated by worried about well-prepared for |
Be | surprised at/ about satisfied with pleased with disappointed with crowded with based on |
Be interested in + sth/ doing sth
Impress (v) to cause someone to admire or respect you: gây ấn tượng
- I remember when I was a child being very impressed with how many toys she had.
- Your mother was clearly not impressed by our behaviour in the restaurant.
- He tried to impress me with his extensive knowledge of wine.
Dạng của trạng từ
Adj + ly/y/ally/ily → Adv
expensive/ expensively full/fully dramatic/dramatically
Tính từ kết thúc băng “y” => i + ly
Happy – happily/ easy – easily/ noisy – noisily, …..
Tính từ kết thúc băng “able” => “ably”
Profitable (adj) – profitably (adv) – có lợi nhuận
Stable – stably – ổn định
Possible – possibly – có thể
Considerable – considerably – đáng kể
Ví dụ:
- Their business was profitable last year.
- They did business profitably last year.
Dạng adj và adv giống nhau:
Hard – chăm chỉ early – sớm fast – nhanh late – muộn daily – hàng ngày weekly monthly quarterly – hàng quý far – xa |
Overseas, abroad – ở nước ngoài |
Ví dụ:
- A BMW is very fast (adj). / A BMW runs very fast (adv).
- It is a hard (adj) job:
- I have to work hard (adv) to earn enough money.
Phân biệt với từ “hardly” – khó có thể xảy ra
Ví dụ: It is hardly going to rain tomorrow.
- You will hardly/ impossibly fail the exam if you keep studying hard like this.
Late (Adj + adv) – muộn # lately: thời gian gần đây – đi với thời hoàn thành
- I never go to work late. (adv)
- Go to bed please, it is too late (adj)
Phân biệt với “lately”
- The unemployment rate has risen strongly/ slightly
“Nhan dan” newspaper is published daily. (adv)
“Nhan dan” is a daily newspaper. (adj)
Go abroad = go overseas (đi nước ngoài): I hope I can go abroad (can go to other countries) in a few months.
Be + abroad = be overseas
- My brother is abroad now.
So sánh: overseas và foreign
Overseas companies – công ty ở nước ngoài # foreign companies – công ty của nước ngoài
Overseas students – sinh viên du học # foreign students – sv người nước ngoài
I hope to be abroad in a few months
Dạng đặc biệt: good → well
Phân biệt cách dùng của tính từ và trạng từ
ADJECTIVE: There has been a significant improvement in the economy recently.
(Có sự cải thiện đáng kể đối với kinh tế trong thời gian gần đây.)
ADVERB: The economy has improved significantly recently. (Kinh tế cải thiện một cách đáng kể trong thời gian gần đây.)
Phân tích: improve (v) + significantly (Adv) = significant + improvement
- Rewrite the sentences using verbs and adverbs:
- There was a sudden fall in shares in March. – Có một sự giảm đột ngột ở giá cổ phiếu vào tháng 3.
In March the shares fell suddenly
Fall (v) – giảm – fell – fallen
Fall (n) sự giảm
Sth + V + adv ó There + be + a (an) + adj + N + in + Sth
- The number of students in most universities has increased significantly in the past few years.
There has …been a significant increase in the number of students in most universities in the past few years.
- The prices of gold are increasing slightly these days.
There …is a slight increase in the prices of gold these days.
There has been a rapid rise in the population of Hanoi recently.
The population …of Hanoi has risen rapidly recently …
Sth + V + adv ó There + be + a (an) + adj + N + in + Sth
Verb | Noun |
increase: tăng lên – increased rise – rose – risen boom (bùng nổ) – boomed rocket (tăng vọt) – rocketed grow – grew – grown (tăng trưởng) develop – developed (phát triển) recover – ed (khôi phục) improve – d (cải thiện)
reduce – d (giảm) decrease –d fall – fell – fallen drop – dropped collapse – d (sụp đổ)
| increase rise boom rocket growth – sự tăng trưởng development recovery improvement
reduction decrease fall drop collapse |
Tính từ | Trạng từ |
Nhanh: – Quick / fast/ rapid Mạnh/ đáng kể Strong/ dramatic/ considerable / Significant/ Đều/ ổn định Gradual / steady/ stable Sudden (đột ngột) Ít/ nhẹ: slight slow
| Quickly/ fast/ rapidly
Strongly/ dramatically/ considerably/ Significantly/
Gradually/ steadily/ stably Suddenly Slightly slowly |
Go up/ go down
Vị trí của trạng từ trong câu
Vị trí 1: đi sau động từ để bổ nghĩa cho động từ (chỉ hành động),
Vị trí 2: trạng từ còn có một số cách dùng khác
Cách dùng khác của trạng từ
ADVERB + ADJECTIVE: We have got a relatively good year. – Chúng tôi có 1 năm hoạt động tương đối tốt.
ADVERB + PAST PARTICIPLE: Their products are always attractively packaged. – Sản phẩm của họ luôn được đóng gói trông rất hấp dẫn.
ADVERB + ADVERB: She does her job extremely well.
- Choose a word from box A and one from box B to complete the sentences.
surprisingly badly commercially well totally terribly |
qualified quickly designed viable good illegal |
Surprise (n) the feeling caused by something unexpected happening: ngạc nhiên
- He looked at her in/with surprise.
- To my great surprise, they agreed to all our demands.
Surprise (v) to make someone feel surprise: làm cho ai ngạc nhiên
- The news surprised everyone.
- [ + that ] It doesn’t surprise me that their parents don’t want them to get married.
- [ + to infinitive ] It will not surprise anyone to learn that the offer has been rejected.
- [ + question word ] Janet was surprised how quickly the time passed.
Surprise + sbd – làm ai ngạc nhiên + that
Surprise sbd + to do sth – làm ai ngạc nhiên khi làm gì
- She has a PhD and an MBA so she’s certainly very well- qualified.
Qualify (v) to successfully finish a training course so that you are able to do a job; to have or achieve the necessary skills, etc.: được đào tạo,
- She hopes to qualify (as a lawyer) at the end of the year.
- [ + obj + to infinitive ] This course qualifies you to teach in any secondary school. – Khóa học này đào tạo bạn để dạy học ở bất kể trường cấp 2 nào.
To qualify sbd to do sth – đào tạo ai để làm gì
Well-qualified (adj) có trình độ học vấn cao
Qualification (n) bằng cấp
surprisingly badly commercially well totally terribly |
qualified quickly designed viable good illegal |
- The results at the end of the year were , and certainly much better than we had thought.
Surprisingly good.
- The bank decided that the project (dự án) was not , so they (the bank) refused to give them a loan. Not commercially viable : không khả thi về mặt kinh tế
Viable (Adj): able to work as intended or able to succeed: khả thi
- In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
- I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.
Refuse to do sth – từ chối làm gì
- Insider dealing (buôn lậu) is – if they catch you, you could go to prison.
Totally illegal: hoàn toàn bất hợp pháp
- The engine on the XR86 was very , and the car soon gained a reputation for unreliability. (k đáng tin cậy) badly designed
Rely on sth/ sbd: tin cậy/ tin tưởng vào ai.
(un)Reliable (adj) đáng tin cậy – reliability (n)
Quality (n) chất lượng
Qualify (v) – qualification: văn bằng
- He spoke , so I couldn’t really understand what he was saying.
Terribly quickly: nhanh khủng khiếp
Kết cấu căn bản của câu: S + V + O
Ví dụ:
I am a learner of English.
She is a computer technician .
We often go to work at 7 o’clock.
Vietnam exports a lot of rice to some countries in the world.
Last year, our company imported a thousand cars from Japan.
Note: Vị trí của động từ sau chủ ngữ và dạng luôn biến đổi theo thời, ngôi và số của chủ ngữ
- Classes of verbs: Loại động từ
- The auxiliaries – trợ động từ: to be, to have, to do; can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall, should, will, would; to need,
- can, could, may, might, must, ought, shall, should, will, would + động từ nguyên thể (các động từ khuyết thiếu)
- to be, to have, to do: biến đổi dạng theo thời:
- Be + V-ing => diễn tả tiếp diễn
- Be + PII => diễn tả bị động
- Have + PII => diễn tả hoàn thành
- Do – trợ động từ đi với các thời đơn (hiện tại đơn, quá khứ đơn
- to need: need to do/ need do sth / need doing (cần được làm gì – diễn tả bị động)
– I think the house needs redecorating.
– We don’t need to work on Sunday./ We need not (needn’t) work on Sunday.
– He doesn’t need to work on Sunday.
– He needs to work on all working days. He need work on all working days.
- All other verbs, which we may call ordinary verbs: động từ thường
to work, to sing, to play
- Dạng phủ định
Thêm not vào trợ động từ
does not/ doesn’t or do not/ don’t; did not/ didn’t; have not/ haven’t or has not/ hasn’t
- Dạng phủ định khác
never, no (adjective), none, nobody, no one, nothing, hardly, hardly ever etc. được dùng với động từ dạng khẳng định.
Ví dụ:
He didn’t eat anything or He ate nothing.
He doesn’t ever complain or He never complains.
We haven’t seen anyone or We have seen no one.
They didn’t speak much or They hardly speak at all/ They hardly ever speak.

Which of the four alternatives completes the sentences in the correct or most likely way? Sometimes more than one alternative is possible.
- Each July we ———- to Turkey for a holiday.
a. are going | b. go | c. went | d. were going |
- The growing number of visitors ———- the footpaths.
a. is damaging | b. damages | c. are damaging | d. was damaging |
(hiện tại tiếp diễn => diễn tả xu hướng, sự biến đổi dần dần
N1 + of + N2 + V => dạng của động từ phụ thuộc vào N1
- Jane ——— just a few minutes ago.
a. left | b. has left | c. leaves | d. had left |
- Timpson———- 13 films and I think her latest is the best.
a. made | b. had made | c. has made | d. was making |
- ——— Robert lately?
a. Did you see | b. Have you seen | c. Do you see | d. Are you seeing |
- When I was a child ———-the violin.
a. I was playing | b. I’m playing | c. I play | d. I played |
- ——— until midnight last night
a. I have been reading | b. I read | c. I was reading | d. I have read |
Read – read – read
- He———for the national team in 65 matches so far. – cho đến nay
a. has played | b. has been playing | c. played | d. is playing |
- Sorry we’re late, we——— the wrong turning.
a. had taken | b. were taking | c. took | d. are taking |
- She———- from flu when she was interviewed
a. was suffering | b. had been suffering | c. had suffered | d. suffered |
- Từ có cùng gốc từ, khác loại (danh từ, động từ, tính từ, trạng từ)
- Tax evasion is the crime of not ………….. the full amount of tax that you should pay.
- Pay (n + v) payment (n) C. payable D. paying
Giới từ + sth (danh từ)/ doing sth (tân ngữ)
N + of + N
N1 + N2: trong đó N1 bổ nghĩa cho N2
- The government must ……V…….. its budget next year to offset poorly timed tax cuts.
- Tight (adj) tighten (v) C. loose (adj) D loosen (v)
Modal verbs (động từ khuyết thiếu) + V (nguyên thể)
tight (adj)
Tighten (v) to strongly control something: thắt chặt
- Security was tightened at US embassies around the world.
- The government moved to tighten the rules on toxic substances in the air.
- [ M ] Our team will have to tighten up its defense if we want to win.
Tighten (v) to make something less easily available:
- The government plans to tighten credit and slow the growth of the money supply.
Adj | V |
Tight Loose Wide Strong (adj) – strength (n) Long – length (n) | Tighten Loosen – nới lỏng Widen – mở rộng Strengthen – tăng cường Lengthen – kéo dài |
Strengthen (v) to make something stronger or more effective, or to become stronger or more effective: tăng cường, củng cố,
- They have been strengthening their border defences in preparation for war.
- His battle against cancer has strengthened his belief in God.
- The accident strengthens the case for better safety measures at fairgrounds.
- The bank loan has greatly strengthened our financial position.
- The former director of the company pleaded guilty last year to ……adj……. charges of money laundering, insider trading, and income tax evasion.
- crime criminal C. criminality D. criminally
Guilty (adj) responsible for breaking a law:
- The jury has to decide whether a person is guilty or innocent of a crime.
- A person accused of a crime is presumed innocent until proven guilty.
- The defendent pleaded guilty (= they formally admitted their guilt in court) to the charge of manslaughter. –
Plead +guilty to the charge of sth: nhận tội tại tòa về tội danh nào đó
Criminal (n) someone who commits a crime: kẻ phạm tội
a dangerous/violent criminal
Criminal (adj) relating to crime:
criminal activity
a criminal act/offence
criminal behaviour
a criminal investigation
Criminal (adj) very bad or morally wrong: sai trái về đạo đức
- It’s criminal to charge so much for a book.
- The way we waste this planet’s resources is criminal.
- He denied that the film investments could be ……adj……… or amounted to tax avoidance.
- law legal C. illegal D. illegally
deny + sth/ doing sth – phủ nhận > < thừa nhận – admit + sth/ doing sth
refuse to do sth – từ chối làm gì > < chấp nhận/ đồng ý làm gì – accept/ agree to do sth
amount to something: to add up to, be in total, be equal to, or be the same as:
- Federal and state costs for building and operating prisons amounted to $25 billion.
- The blog amounts to a critique of the U.S. news media
- Companies can claim tax …N…….. on donations to charity.
- relief B. relieve C. reliever D. relieving
Relief (n) financial help that is given to people, companies, or countries that cannot pay their taxes or debts: khoản hỗ trợ về tài chính cho người, doanh nghiệp, quốc gia mà k trả được thuế hay nợ
- All of the more than 3 million people who file income taxes in Virginia will be eligible for the $100 relief when they file their returns for the last fiscal year.
- Congress must reach consensus quickly on the issue of economic relief for the airline industry.
- Satellite-television subscribers should get relief from some of the taxes on their monthly bills under new legislation.
- give/offer/provide relief (to sb) Tax-cut proposals could offer relief to homeowners
- get/obtain relief (from sth) Because of the Fed’s move to cut interest rates, people whose mortgages are adjusting may get some relief.
- relief packages/measures
Claim (v) to request payment for money you are owed by a government department or company: đòi hỏi cái gì mà mình có quyền hưởng
claim benefits/tax relief/income support
– The self-employed may claim income tax relief as an allowance in their income tax assessment.
Tax relief (n) a reduction in the amount of tax that has to be paid: khoản giảm thuế
tax relief on sth
- Companies can claim tax relief on donations to charity.
qualify/be eligible for tax relief – được quyền hưởng
- Investors are eligible for 20% tax relief provided – với điều kiện – they do not touch their investments for 5 years.
mortgage/income/property tax relief
- In the interests of housing market stability, mortgage tax relief would be cut to 10%.
- Alternatively, you may submit – nộp your customs declaration ………adv………..
- electronic B. electronics C. electronical D. electronically
customs declaration – tờ kê khai hải quan
- Customs agent is a government …………… whose job is to check that goods leaving or entering a country are legal.
- office B. official/ officer C. officially D. agency
goods leaving or entering a country are legal.
leaving or entering a country – là mệnh đề phân từ 1 bổ nghĩa cho danh từ đi trước
goods (which leave or enter a country) leaving or entering a country are legal
Official = officer
Tax official = tax officer: cán bộ thuế
Government official = government officer – quan chức chính phủ
- There are customs agents (who check) ………… every vehicle coming into the country.
- check B. checkable C. checking D. checked
- The basic design of the vehicle has been customized to the client’s ……N………….
- require B. requiring C. required D. requirements.
Customize (v) to make or change something according to a customer’s or user’s particular needs: tạo rat hay đổi để phù hợp với nhu cầu của người tiêu dùng
- Employees can customize the software to suit their needs.
customize sth (to sth)
- The basic design of the vehicle has been customized to the client’s requirements.
- You don’t have to pay customs on any alcohol or tobacco brought for your own ………N…….. in another EU country.
- consume B. consumption C. consumer D. consuming
- Commodities were sent from various parts of the world. They came from ……adj……. parts.
- difference (n) b. same c. different d. differently
same (n) – similar (Adj)
Be + similar + to sth – giống với cái gì
- An old man taught her how ……………. the violin.
- play b. playing c. to play d. played
teach + sbd + (how) + to do sth – dạy ai làm gì/ làm gì như thế nào
- He doesn’t want to let me …………….. he was going out.
- to know b. knew c. knows d. know
– let sbd do sth = permit sbd to do sth/ allow sbd to do sth – cho phép ai đó làm gì
- The boys speak English ……adv……..
- fluent b. fluently c. fluency d. influent
- Some people are used to ……V-ing…… bicycle trips to the countryside every Sunday.
- rode b. ridden c. ride d. riding
get/ be + used to (adj) + sth/ doing sth – quen với cái gì/ việc làm gì
get/ be + accustomed to + sth/ doing sth
- People said that 85% of all these accidents were caused by drivers’ ………N……
- care (n) b. careless (adj) c. carelessness d. careful (adj)
V + ful/ less => thành các cặp tính từ ngược nghĩa
V + N | Adj (ful) | Adj (less) |
Care – cẩn thận Use – sử dụng Harm – gây hại Hope Help
Thought Peace (n)
| Careful – cẩn thận Useful – hữu ích Harmful – có hại Hopeful helpful
Thoughtful – chu đáo Peaceful – hòa bình | Careless – cẩu thả Useless – vô ích Harmless – vô hại Hopeless helpless |
Care (v) to think that something is important and to feel interested in it or upset about it:
- She’s never cared very much about her appearance.
- [ + question word ] I really don’t care whether we go out or not.
- I don’t care how much it costs, just buy it.
- “Was Lorna happy about the arrangements?” “I don’t know and I don’t care.”
- Your parents are only doing this because they care about (= love) you.
Take care of + sbd – chăm sóc ai đó
- ‘Do you think we’d better offer Mr. Brown a drink?” “No. He looks ………adj……”
- comfortable b. real comfortable c. comfort d. comfortably
had better = should + do sth – nên làm gì
Look + adj – nhìn có vẻ như thế nào
Really comfortable
Adv + Adj (cụm tính từ) => trạng từ đi trước tính từ để bổ nghĩa cho tính từ
Adj + N (cụm danh từ)
- Which would you ……………. , milk or coffee?
- preference b. preferential c. prefer d. preferable
would + V (nguyên thể)
- Were they ……adj……. when their team won the match?
- satisfied b. satisfying c. satisfactory d. satisfy
V + ed => Adj (mang nghĩa bị động)
V + ing => Adj (mang nghĩa chủ động)
V | V-ing (adj) | V-ed (Adj) |
Tire Interest Bore Surprise please | Tiring Interesting Boring Surprising Pleasant | Tired Interested Bored Surprised pleased |
S (người) + Be + V-ed (adj) + giới từ + sth/ doing sth
S (cái gì đó) + Be + V-ing (Adj)
Ví dụ:
- The film is interesting.
- I am interested in the film.
- Teaching is very tiring.
- I am tired of teaching.
Satisfying (adj) making you feel pleased by providing what you need or want: thỏa mãn
- a satisfying meal/result
- It’s an immensely satisfying job.
- It is very satisfying to know that the project was a success.
Satisfactory (Adj) good or good enough for a particular need or purpose: thỏa đáng
- a satisfactory outcome/result/solution
- a satisfactory performance/progress
- do a satisfactory job
The task of the customer’s representative is to get a satisfactory job done as economically as possible.
- The rules allow for the development of television advertising and sponsorship while providing a satisfactory level of consumer protection.
- Jean continued to be an ……adj…….. man.
- energy b. energetic c. energetically d. energetics
- The girl’s …………. was incomprehensible to the head teacher.
- behaves b. behavior c. behavioral d. behaviorism
behaviorism – chủ nghĩa hành vi
capitalism – chủ nghĩa tư bản
socialism – chủ nghĩa xã hội
- Have you ever experienced ………….. pain?
- intensive b. intense c. strong d. intensify (v)
Intense (adj) is used to describe something that is very great or extreme in strength or degree.- nhiều về sức mạnh hay mức độ (ở đỉnh điểm)
- He was sweating from the intense heat.
- Suddenly the room filled with intense light.
- Stevens’s murder was the result of a deep-seated and intense hatred.
- His threats become more intense, agitated, and frequent.
intensely (inˈtensely) ADVERB
intenseness (inˈtenseness) NOUN
Intensive activity – hoạt động có cường độ lớn – involves concentrating a lot of effort or people on one particular task in order to try to achieve a great deal in a short time. – tăng cường
- …several days and nights of intensive negotiations.
- Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work.
Intensive (Adj) involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time: – tăng cường về công sức, hoạt động trong khoảng thời gian ngắn
- June and July are a period of intensive activity for our company.
- intensive talks/discussions/negotiations
- intensive training/teaching/courses – khóa đào tạo/ giảng dạy/ khóa học tăng cường
Intensive (Adj) using a lot of something:
- We are a technology-intensive company.
- resource-intensive industries
- labor-intensive production – sản xuất cần nhiều nhân lực
- Nam’s parents are very ………Adj…… with his success.
- please b. pleasant c. pleasing d. pleased
– The weather is very pleasant today.
- Are you losing your …………?
- remembrance b. memory c. memorize d. remember
If you do something in remembrance of a dead person, you do it as a way of showing that you want to remember them and that you respect them. Tưởng nhớ
[formal]- They wore black in remembrance of those who had died.
A remembrance is a memory that you have of someone or something. Nhớ lại về ai đó/ điều gì đó
[formal]- …happier remembrances of family holidays.
Your memory is your ability to remember things. Trí nhớ/ khẳ năng ghi nhớ
- All the details of the meeting are fresh in my memory.
- He’d a good memory for faces, and he was sure he hadn’t seen her before. [+ for]
- But locals with long memories thought this was fair revenge (Sự trả thù) for the injustice (sự bất công) of 1961.
- Two major areas in which these children require help are memory and attention.
A memory is something that you remember from the past. Ký ức
- She cannot bear to watch the film because of the bad memories it brings back.
- He had happy memories of his father. [+ of]
- Her earliest memory is of singing at the age of four to wounded soldiers.
If you memorize something, you learn it so that you can remember it exactly. – ghi nhớ
- He studied his map, trying to memorize the way to Rose’s street.
Memorable (adj): worthy of being remembered (đáng nhớ)
- a memorable event.
- Do you constantly feel …………..?
- exhausted b. exhausting c. exhaustedly d. exhaust
- Do you ever find it difficult to …………… ?
- breath b. breathe c. breathy d. breathless
breath (n) – hơi thở
breathe (v) thở
breathless (Adj) – hết hơi,
Your breath is the air that you let out through your mouth when you breathe. If someone has bad breath, their breath smells unpleasant.
- I could smell the whisky on his breath.
- Smoking causes bad breath
When people or animals breathe, they take air into their lungs and let it out again.
- He stood there breathing deeply and evenly. [VERB]
- Always breathe through your nose. [VERB]
- No American should have to drive out of town to breathe clean air. [VERB noun]
Breathy (adj) used to describe a voice or way of speaking in which the breath can be heard:
- Marilyn Monroe was famous for her breathy voice.
Breathless (Adj): having difficulty in breathing normally (hết hơi)
- His asthma (bệnh hen) makes him breathless
- He was breathless after climbing the hill.
- Nokia has large ……N……… in China.
- sellers b. selling c. sales d. sale
Sale (n) the act of giving something to someone in exchange for money (sự bán)
- the sale of a house – House for sale: Nhà để bán
Sale (n) in a shop etc, an offer of goods at lowered prices for a short time
sự bán hạ giá
- I bought my dress in a sale.
Saleroom/ sales assistant/ salesclerk/ salesman/ salesmanship/ sales representative/
for sale/ sale of work
sale of work an event at which articles usually made by members of an association are sold to raise money (bán hàng từ thiện)
- a sale of work at the church.
Sales (n): the number of goods, products, or services that a company sells within a certain time period: doanh số bán/ doanh thu
- Sales of cars have increased
- The newspaper has sales of 1.72 million.
- Car sales are 5 per cent down on a year ago.
- Sales are looking very healthy this quarter.
- Ericsson is one of Nokia’s ……………. .
- competition b. competitive c. competes d. competitors
When one firm or country competes with another, it tries to get people to buy its own goods in preference to those of the other firm or country. You can also say that two firms or countries compete.
- The stores compete with each other for increased market shares. [VERB + with]
- Banks and building societies are competing fiercely for business. [VERB + for]
- The American economy, and its ability to compete abroad, was slowing down according to the report. [VERB]
If you compete with someone for something, you try to get it for yourself and stop the other person getting it. You can also say that two people compete for something.
- Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water. [V + with/for]
- More than 2300 candidates from 93 political parties are competing for 486 seats. [VERB + for]
Competition (n) : sự cạnh tranh
Competitive (adj): có khả năng cạnh tranh
Competitors (n) các đối thủ cạnh tranh
Competitiveness (n) the fact of being able to compete successfully with other companies, countries, organizations, etc.: sức cạnh tranh
- It is not true there is a crisis in the country’s scientific or technological competitiveness.
- The dollar is the primary factor behind eroding (xói mòn, bào mòn) U. S. competitiveness, economists believe.
- Berli Jucker Group is one of Thailand’s oldest trading …………… .
- organization b. organizing c. organizers d. organizations
- He looked very ………….. when I told him the news.
- happily B. happy C. happiness D. was happy
- These flowers smell ………………
- sweet B. sweetly C. sweetness D. being sweet
- They didn’t want to make radios because of the ………………… from larger companies.
- competitive b. compete c. competition d. competitor
- He works for an …………. company.
- advertisement b. advertiser c. advertise d. advertising
advertising company = advertiser: công ty quảng cáo
advertise sth (v) quảng cao
advertisement(s): bài quảng cáo.
- There will be a great …………… at the National Gallery next Monday.
- exhibit b. exhibiting c. exhibition d. exhibiter
- Give us some idea of what you believe are your ………… and weaknesses.
- strength b. strengths c. force d. forces
- As a (an) ………language, English is spoken widely by a very large number of people.
- national b. nation c. native d. international
national (adj) thuộc về quốc gia
international (adj) quốc tế
native speakers / teachers: người bản ngữ, giáo viên bản xứ
native language: tiếng mẹ đẻ
- It’s a good place to take clients. They have live …………………
- entertain B. entertaining C. entertainment D. entertained
- The results show a connection between money and …………….
- happy B. happiness C. happily D. unhappy
- Being able to communicate with business partners …………. is a must in business.
- Efficient efficiency C. efficiently D. inefficient
If you communicate with someone, you share or exchange information with them, for example by speaking, writing, or using equipment. You can also say that two people communicate. (Giao tiếp với ai – chia sẻ trao đổi thông tin thông qua nói, viết hay sử dụng thiết bị giao tiếp)
- My natural mother has never communicated with me. [VERB + with]
- A person who cannot speak can use a speech synthesizer to communicate with hearing people. [VERB + with]
- They communicated in sign language.
To communicate with sbd
Communication (danh từ không đếm được): sự giao tiếp
- I have had no direct communication with my colleagues. [+ with]
- …use of the radio telephone for communication between controllers and pilots. [+ between]
- We were in communication with each other.
Efficiency (n) is the quality of being able to do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy. Tính hiệu quả
- There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world. – Có nhiều các để tăng tính hiệu quả nông nghiệp ở những khu vực nghèo hơn trên thế giới.
Efficient (adj): hiệu quả
If something or someone is efficient, they are able to do tasks successfully, without wasting time or energy.
- With today’s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers. – Với biện pháp phòng tránh thai hiệu quả hơn ngày nay, phụ nữ có thể sắp xếp được việc gia đình và công việc của họ.
Contraception refers to methods of preventing pregnancy. – biện pháp tránh thai
- Use a reliable method of contraception.
efficiently (trạng từ)
- I work very efficiently and am decisive, and accurate in my judgement.
- Customs is the government ……………… that deals with taxes on goods coming into and leaving a country.
- depart B. departure C. departing D. department
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Email: Phamthanhmaind91@gmail.com
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